Thursday, February 9, 2017

Carol Lee Shanks: New Exhibition at PVAC

If you happen to be in the Palos Verdes, California, area or are planning a trip that way in the next few months, here's something to add to your to-do list while you're in the area.  Featured in the exhibition is one of our very own distinguished artists, Carol Lee Shanks, known for creating extraordinary wearables and fiber installations from incredible textiles.  We highly recommend you stop in and take a look.

Here is their invitation:

Text written by the Palos Verdes Art Center.

The Palos Verdes Art Center is a non-profit community art gallery and school. PVAC has made the visual arts available to southwestern Los Angeles County for more than 80 years.

Palos Verdes Art Center
5504 West Crestridge Road
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

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